Tuesday, September 22, 2009


"It's about time!", quoted by my future father in law.

The love of my life, Scott ... after two years (which seems like an eternity when you are living together!) finally asked me to marry him! YAY!!!

Here's a play by play of the proposal:

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

I had the worst morning ever!

I was on my way to get a brazillian (great way to wake up by the way. forget coffee.) and I was running late. I was zoom-zooming in the Mini Coop and then,WHAM! Rear ended the latina in front of me driving a brand new AUDI SUV. No one was hurt thankfully (just my ego),and her car didn't even have a scrath. The poor Mini Coop was jacked up though. I spent most of my day getting hit on by creepy dudes at the repair shop, talking on the phone with my insurance agent, and arguing with the rental car company.

I walked home late and was so relieved to be going home to my man after my long crazy day. The elevator opened on my floor and I saw a flash of something dash by. Some strange person is running in the hallway? Hah, it was Scott! I asked him what he was doing and he told me that he was "preparing". Preparing? For what?

He kissed me and walked me to our apartment and opened the door. On the counter were 12 gorgeous long stem roses, a card with my name on it, kiwi (my fave) and strawberries cut up, and a bottle of my favorite wine. He had lasagna in the oven. We ate an intimate gorgeous dinner outside on our balcony.

balmy night + wine buzz + homemade dinner from my sexy man = LOVE!

He started telling me the story about the first time we hung out...

We went to the grocery store to run an errand in September of 2007. While I was checking out he stuck a quarter in one of those little machine thingies and got a cheap-o necklace. He playfully gave it to me and I ended up keeping it on my rear view mirror. Every day I would see that necklace and fall deeper in love with him.
I didn't want to lead him on to how much I was falling for him, so I took the necklace-ito off the next time I had to drive him somewhere and ended up losing the little thing. (He didn't know about all of this until later, obviously.)

He finished with the story and said "Now I know you lost the necklace, but I got you something else to replace it and I hope this time you'll keep it." He pulled out a little dinky 25 cent ring and my heart skipped a beat. He held my hand and asked me to be his wife. We both laughed and cried! He told me he wanted me to pick out the real ring. I couldn't breathe! I whimpered out a "YES!"

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